Thursday, 31 July 2014

Tailoring the Project to the Community's Requests

Please click on the images below for an enlarged version: 

"A pond would be fun for the children."
"Litter is a big problem, especially through the town centre."
"You can't get near the river, the banks are too steep. It's quite dangerous in places."
"We don't see much interesting wildlife when walking along the river."

"My kids like to play in the river but there aren't many places for this. It would be great if schools could make more use of it too."
"I'd like to see more flowers and attractive vegetation."

Do you think we tackled the issues raised accordingly?
Don't hesitate to let us know your opinion either on the blog, via the e-mail option on the right hand site of the page, or through one of our social media sites below such as
Facebook (Welland Rivers Trust), or Twitter (@WellandTrust). 

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Community Engagement

Throughout October and November 2012, a survey was conducted to find out the public attitudes towards the River in Market Harborough. We spoke to over 150 people and found that the majority of people’s comments could be categorised as follows:

- Aesthetics





These comments were used to ensure that the aspirations and expectations of the people of Market Harborough were integrated with the science when producing the design for the restoration. We think we managed to find a perfect middle ground where both parties were sufficiently included and satisfied. Our next blog will include some of the more notable comments, and our responses.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Geography of the River Welland

The Geography of The River Welland

The River Welland rises near Sibbertoft, west of Market Harborough and flows through Northamptonshire, Leicestershire and Rutland, before reaching Stamford, where it is one of the features that makes the town so attractive. Below Stamford, the river continues on its way to Market Deeping and Spalding where its character changes, slowing down as it becomes one of the four fenland rivers which drain the Fens, before entering The Wash.

Over the past 50 years the river has been deepened, straightened and polluted and as a result, there has been vast habitat loss which has greatly reduced the ecological value of the river. Alongside the reduction in wildlife, the river has been largely neglected as a source of amenity and recreation for those who live nearby.

The WRT exists to facilitate the protection and development of the River Welland via the creation and completion of several projects across the Welland.

Monday, 28 July 2014

Welland for People and Wildlife Project Objective:

The Welland for People and Wildlife project strives to restore the River Welland through Market Harborough to a more natural form correcting the unsympathetic flood alleviation works which were carried out in the 1970s. The methods used to prepare the proposal are based on rigid and accepted scientific principals which create confidence that the final outcome of the work will be a low flow channel which is both ecologically appropriate and functional and will also be sustainable, requiring less maintenance than is currently the case. The application of these scientific principles highlights a number of habitat types (biotopes) which can be achieved through the application of a number of design featutres.
The project seeks to achieve a transformation of the River Welland, to offer an attractive environment rich in wildlife, which appeals to the community and develops the focus of the river as a key natural asset to the Town. The main objectives of the project are to:

• Improve the habitats of the River Welland
• Increase the biodiversity of the River Welland through Market Harborough
• Reduce the stagnation and sluggish flow of the river
• Enhance the overall aesthetics of the River environment
• Develop safer and improved access to the River channel
• Increase the use and enjoyment of the River for recreation and education
• Re-connect the community of Market Harborough with their river by creating a sense of ownership
In order to meet the improvements to the Welland highlighted above, there is also a major requirement to demonstrate that any restoration works ensure flood risk is not increased in or surrounding the study area. The overall principal is the Welland fluvial flood risk is created by the ‘bottlenecks’ which are the bridges and weirs in the Town. The improvements we propose will either increase the flood capacity due to the opening of new channels and removal of bottlenecks, or, maintain the current flood capacity, by moving material within the cross section of the channel and not adding to it. This has been extensively modeled and submitted as part of a Flood Risk Assessment which has been subsequently approved by the Environment Agency.